Under Construction: Beta Test. Not for Public Use.
Healthy Life Calculator
for persons aged 65 and older
When older adults plan for the future, they need a good estimate of how much longer they will live. Just as important, they need to know how long they can expect to be healthy and able to participate in the activities that are important to them. The Healthy Life Calculator was developed by experts in aging, statistics, medicine, and mental health. It reports the average experience for a person whose age, sex, and health are similar to yours. This is known as "Years of Healthy Life" or "Healthy Life Expectancy". Unlike other calculators that you may have seen, this calculator explains how the calculations were made, and how accurate they might be for you. The calculator is based on data from the federally-funded Cardiovascular Health Study, and is also known as the Cardiovascular Health Study Healthy Life Calculator (CHSHLC).
If you have comments, please Send us an email.
Version History
▶ Version 1.1.2 - Tuesday, 14-Nov-2023 08:36:49 PST
- Version 1.1.2 2020-09-27
- Calculator: * Fixed a bug when 'None of the Above' option was selected for ADL or IADL. * Minor improvements to Print view
- Version 1.1 2017-01-28
- Calculator: * Added 'add-to-homescreen' popup, which will function on common iOS and Android devices. * CSS design is more responsive for mobile devices such as tablets and phones with small screens. * Added icons * Added questions for, and warnings about Cancer and Wheelchair usage. Tracking: * added ability to track actual uses of the calculator (vs. simply page views)
- Version 1.1.1 2020-08-02
- Calculator: * Added exclusion questions regarding COVID-19 * Added 'None of the Above' option to several questions for clarity.
- Version 1.1 2017-01-28
- Calculator: * Added 'add-to-homescreen' popup, which will function on common iOS and Android devices. * CSS design is more responsive for mobile devices such as tablets and phones with small screens. * Added icons * Added questions for, and warnings about Cancer and Wheelchair usage. Tracking: * added ability to track actual uses of the calculator (vs. simply page views)
- Version 1.0 2015-11-21
- FAQ: * Navigation improvements: Returning back to the Calculator from the FAQ will now (usually) restore your entered data and calculations * miscellaneous HTML errors cleaned up, now passes W3C validator check Calculator: * miscellaneous HTML errors cleaned up, now passes W3C validator check
- Version 0.3.4 2015-11-16
- FAQ: * miscellaneous wording changes. * added link to published paper Calculator: * miscellaneous wording changes. * adjusted Print CSS for better font sizes * added link to published paper
- Version 0.3.3 2015-06-15
- FAQ: * Numerous edit changes, added link to manuscript. Calculator: * Renamed "Home" to "Calculator" * Reversed order of questions 1 and 2 for usability improvements. * Better CSS for font sizing on screen. * Better CSS for printing. Added page break so predictions are on 2nd page. * Moved hit counter, last-update-datem, etc. to bottom of page.
- Version 0.3.2 2015-06-03
- FAQ: * reordered items. * cleaned up typos * rewrote the section in improving your results Calculator: * Added link to http://chs-nhlbi.org * Added Legal Disclaimer * Removed Beta warning * more generous spacing and bigger font sizes on the table of inputs * wording on q4 and q5 standardized to actual measure. * added a Print button, updated CSS for better printing * hide debug info Glossary: * typos fixed
- Version 0.3.1 Beta 2015-01-10
- FAQ: * numerous changes. Calculator: * minor wording changes * Prediction "better than" years are rounded down to nearest whole year * Prediction "worse than" years are rounded up to nearest whole year
- Version 0.3.0 Beta 2014-11-09
- Changes to Narrative Predictions: * 2nd paragraph beginning "These average estimates may be useful..." removed * "How likely is it that I'll do better/worse" paragraphs are now given in table format, and are hidden by default (the user must click the disclosure triangle to view). * Enforced Prediction Limits - Ages < 65 not supported (the UI enforces this by not allowing one to choose an age below 65) - Ages between 91 and 100 can be chosen, but will get a warning "Because you are outside the age range of 65 to 90, these estimates are less accurate and should be used with additional caution" and the Better/Worse Tables are suppressed. - For all ages, if any prediction (yol, yhl, yawl, or yhabl) is below zero, the entire prediction is suppressed. - In the Better/Worse Tables, if any 5 year range falls below 0.5 years it is clipped at 0.5 years. - In the Better/Worse Tables, if any % falls outside the range 1% to 100%, it is clipped to 1% or 100%.
- Version 0.2.9 Beta 2014-10-26
- Known Issues: * Negative confidence intervals are not suppressed. Changes: * Prediction intervals: for the higher-than and lower-than %ages, now using 4 separate calculations (YOL,YHL,YABL,YHABL).
- Version 0.2.8 Beta 2014-10-23
- Known Issues: * confidence interval calculations have not been audited, use with caution. Changes: * confidence intervals for age >= 90 are suppressed.
- Version 0.2.7 Beta 2014-10-17
- Known Issues: * Prediction interval calculations are incorrect. * Prediction interval calculations can go negative. Changes: Website: * URL changed from /lifespan/ to /healthspan/ - the old URL will redirect automatically * added robots.txt file and meta tags User Interface: * Moved question 11 to spot 5 and renumbered others questions and warning messages, changed text for #11 to say "any of these other activities…" * Removed ages 60 to 64 in age popup. Calculator: * Added Prediction Intervals (from blank_female_with_ci_15.xls). Prediction interval %s will be averaged, and will say "These averages may not apply to you. For example, only about __% of predictions were accurate to within 5 years." * Wording changed for prediction phrase " In our database, the average person like you (who gave similar answers on these questions) lived to be to be ___ years old." * Prediction interval results in 3 parts: % results within the prediction interval, % results above, and % results below.
- Version 0.2.6 Beta 2014-09-04
- * one of the beta weights sets for Male predictions was wrong, giving incorrect predictions. Fixed.
- Version 0.2.5 Beta 2014-09-04
- * updated to version 13 of the male & female spreadsheets. These equations no longer use the n_iadl term (but keep the log_iadl term). * when making a prediction, the prediction text has a different background color which should draw one's attention (otherwise the text change can be somewhat subtle).
- Version 0.2.4 Beta 2014-08-04
- Calculator Changes: * Misc. text changes FAQ changes: * Misc. text changes
- Version 0.2.3 Beta 2014-08-02
- Calculator Changes: * New life-affirming color scheme * Browser detection * Updated calculations to Spreadsheet version 11 * New intro paragraph from beta_testers_03.rtf * Smoking: Added "Never Smoked" option (maps to same 'none' value as "fewer than 100") * Now scrolls to the Prediction section when you click the Calculate button. * Added asterisk to Glossary * FAQ is spelled out FAQ changes: * Text changes * Removed Figures 1 and 2 and added Table 1
- Version 0.2.2 Beta 2014-06-26
- Calculator Changes: * Smoking choices : removed "never", leaving "fewer than 100" option. * renamed YAL->YABL, YHAL->YHABL globally * narrative: removed the "...plus or minus..." statement * changed to "...the source of these predictions and about their probable accuracy" FAQ changes: * removed "??" * top menu choices and section titles are now the same * reordered the last two items to make navigation easier ("Will there be more" and "How accurate") due to the large graphs. * changed "the data for the study" * "my favorite variables one of them" --> "my favorite variable one of them"
- Version 0.2.1 Beta 2014-06-23
- * Smoking choices changed (Note: 100 or less is still included, but maps to "never" in calculations) * Regression updated to use all 6 smoking coefficients and new betas for all.
- Version 0.2.0 Beta 2014-06-20
- * FAQ: has been converted back to HTML from DOC version 09, figures updated to newer versions as well. * Introductory paragraph edited. * Smoking: added 5,10,15,20 years ago options for quitters (Currently set to "former", awaiting regression coefficients) * Narrative: added placeholder for prediction interval * Narrative edited for grammar. (Note: I moved "in our database" clause to the front of the sentence, as I think it reads better that way). * Age less than 65 or above 90 has an asterisked caveat in the narrative. * added glossary for YOL, YHL, YAL, YHAL with hyperlinks.
- Version 0.1.9 Beta 2014-06-14
- * Page counter "this page has been viewed N times" (note that this only counts page loads, not the # of times the Calculate button has been clicked). * added label tags so you can now click on the text labels (e.g. "Doing Housework") as well as the checkboxes or radio buttons which are otherwise hard to click * fixed the mismatch between question #s when "Some questions were not answered..." error is shown. * Details and Intermediate Steps: are now hidden by default, and include a notice that these are for debugging only. * narrative results are rounded to 1 decimal place * "years of age" wording changed * YAL, YHL, and YHAL are now clipped to YOL, and a note shows up in the Details section when this happens. * rearranged answers in popup menus so that items higher up are "better" * changeLog is hidden by default * added page modification date/time
- Version 0.1.8 Beta 2014-06-03
- * FAQ page is now linked to DOC * Narrative results: cleaned up. * Added a Feedback link which creates a nicely-formatted email message * negative predictions trigger a "unable to calculate" message in the narrative. Reworded the blocks walked question.
- Version 0.1.7 Beta 2014-06-01
- Questions are now numbered. Un-answered questions are now referred to specifically by name and number. Narrative results cleaned up and refer to 'an average person' rather than 'you'. Narrative results include a link to the FAQ. Added an introductory paragraph.
- Version 0.1.6 Beta 2014-05-30
- Refresh, no changes
- Version 0.1.5 Beta 2014-05-30
- Smoking formula was broken. Fixed. Added formulas for Males / Females, all 4 predictions (YOL, YHL, YAL, YHABL). Removed Name field. Removed "optional/required" column. Added narrative results section. Reworded smoking question. Moved all yes/no questions together. Added FAQ page with link.
- Version 0.1.4 Beta 2014-05-29
- Betas were not using enough sig. digits (e.g. .002 for HABLE). Fixed: now using 6 digits for all coefficients. blocks calc was broken. Fixed.
- Version 0.1.3 Beta 2014-05-29
- log_iadl term was missing, and iadl was +1 when it should not have been. Fixed.
- Version 0.1.2 Beta 2014-05-29
- ADL calc was reversed. Fixed.
- Version 0.1 Beta 2014-05-28
- First version
This page has been viewed : 5654
The Calculator has been used 6180 times
with 1625 attempts with missing data.
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