Healthy Life Calculator

for persons aged 65 and older

When older adults plan for the future, they need a good estimate of how much longer they will live. Just as important, they need to know how long they can expect to be healthy and able to participate in the activities that are important to them. The Healthy Life Calculator was developed by experts in aging, statistics, medicine, and mental health. It reports the average experience for a person whose age, sex, and health are similar to yours. This is known as "Years of Healthy Life" or "Healthy Life Expectancy". Unlike other calculators that you may have seen, this calculator explains how the calculations were made, and how accurate they might be for you. The calculator is based on data from the federally-funded Cardiovascular Health Study, and is also known as the Cardiovascular Health Study Healthy Life Calculator (CHSHLC).
Please answer the following questions:
1. Your Age:
2. Your Sex:
3. How is your current health?
4. Do you have difficulty with any of the following activities? Select as many as apply to you:

5. Do you have difficulty with any of these other activities? Select as many as apply to you:

6. Are you troubled by shortness of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill?:
7. Has a doctor ever told you that you have diabetes?
8. Has a doctor ever told you that you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction) or a stroke?
9. How many different prescription medications do you take per day?
10. What is your history of smoking cigarettes?
11. Thinking about the walking you do outside your home: In the last week, how far did you walk?
12. How do you feel about your life as a whole?
13. Are you currently:

14. Coronavirus / COVID-19:

If you agree with the terms of use, please answer all the questions above, then click the Calculate Button to see the predictions:


...use the calculator above to see your results...

* Glossary

Years of life (YOL)
is the average number of remaining years that people like you lived.
Years of Healthy Life (YHL)
is the average number of remaining years that people like you were in excellent, very good, or good health (healthy). ("Healthy", Question 3).
Years of Able Life (YABL)
is the average number of remaining years that people like you were able to perform all of their activities of daily living (walking, getting out of bed, feeding dressing and bathing themselves, using the toilet) without difficulty). ("Able", Question 4)
Years of Healthy and Able Life (YHABL)
is the average number of remaining years that people like you were both Healthy and Able.


If you have comments, please Send us an email.

Version History
Version 1.1.2 - Tuesday, 14-Nov-2023 08:36:49 PST

This page has been viewed : 33134 times. The Calculator has been used 5596 times with 1455 attempts with missing data.